some favorites . . .
Vintage Life Magazine - THE resource for all things vintage!
Bettie Page clothing - classic clothes and gear
Bear Flag Republic - cool retro styles from Gina Moscrop
Fables by Barrie - vintage swimwear and apparel
Pin Up Girl Clothing - great Pinup inspired attire
Cody Shank Cartoonist/Illustrator - Morgen’s personal cartoon and caricature artist, specializing in retro drawings and graphics. Go to for more info.
Rick Luettke Fashion Photographer - Morgen’s first choice photographer. Rick has photographed Morgen’s magazine and media features.
MXL's V177 and RFT Gefell PM750 -
some of Morgen's stage mics
The Optical Shop Toledo - best frames in Toledo!
... for more visit Morgen's BLOG & Artist Facebook page