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Orleans Ave.
Bowling Green, Ohio

vocalist Morgen Stiegler




Retro, Vintage, Hollywood ...  Morgen is a fan of all things vintage and Old Hollywood.  Check out her BLOG and her Pintrest page and the links below for some of the gear and apparel Morgen loves. 

some favorites . . .

Vintage Life Magazine - THE resource for all things vintage!

Bettie Page clothing - classic clothes and gear

Bear Flag Republic - cool retro styles from Gina Moscrop

Fables by Barrie - vintage swimwear and apparel

Pin Up Girl Clothing - great Pinup inspired attire

Cody Shank Cartoonist/Illustrator - Morgen’s personal cartoon and caricature artist, specializing in retro drawings and graphics. Go to for more info.

Rick Luettke Fashion Photographer - Morgen’s first choice photographer. Rick has photographed Morgen’s magazine and media features.

MXL's V177 and RFT Gefell PM750 -
some of Morgen's stage mics

The Optical Shop Toledo - best frames in Toledo!

... for more visit Morgen's BLOG & Artist Facebook page

(c) Rick Luettke

(c) Rick Luettke