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Orleans Ave.
Bowling Green, Ohio

vocalist Morgen Stiegler


Welcome to Memoirs of a Pinup Girl. Morgen Stiegler's space for exploring all things vintage and specifically, the 1940s and 50s. In a bi-monthly blog/vlog format, I will team up with experts or just roll up my own sleeves and bring you all sorts of retro treasures.

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Memoirs of a Pinup Girl: 4_8_14 Vintage Style, Modern Wear

Morgen Stiegler

Vintage Style, Modern Wear:

Words from an Expert in the Vintage Fashion Industry

Cats and Kittens…..

It’s ALMOST time for our first retro night in Northwest Ohio! On April 19, The Pinup Project will be hosting a Retro Night at Ye Olde Durty Bird complete with retro cars, music, drinks, and even a PINUP GIRL COMPETITION. We’re inviting all of you to come out and dress in your best retro/vintage garb and paint the town with us!!! We’re going to do it up big, complete with a few celebrity judges (I will announce them this week!) - and music until 1 am.

I know what some of you must be thinking: “Great! But what do I wear? And how do I wear it?" Or: "How can I do retro without feeling silly?"

I can tell you one thing:

Almost anyone can pull off a well-put-together retro look. It doesn't hurt if one also has a personal shopping assistant with a huge selection of quality clothing and a background in historical garb. Impossible, right?






Meet MY secret retro weapon: Gina Moscrop.  Gina and her husband, Scott, own my very favorite online reproduction/vintage store for guys and gals, Bear Flag Republic USA in Hemet, CA.

I met Gina by chance, but I knew she was a treasure right away. She personally knows the designers of the clothing she sells and she also goes out of her way to help you find and purchase the right clothing for your body and your personality (I may or may not be pursuing a facebook conversation with her at this moment about what I'll wear to retro night)!

Bear Flag Republic not only outfits The Pinup Project, but is also one of the sponsors of our retro night. They have graciously donated a hefty gift certificate to our winning pinup girl and have ALSO given me a code for our retro night folk to use at her online store to get 20% off.  I asked her to contribute to this blog, and she fittingly chose to address the issue of “how to do retro.” So without further ado, here are her words for you. Her gift of the coupon code is at the tail end of this blog. So  - shop her family owned store, wear retro merrily and with confidence, and most of all: Enjoy the art of dressing up and going out!



Vintage style modern wear:


When, where, how and why to wear vintage style in the modern world.


We all love the style, it says I'm unique, I'm sexy and yet I also have class. When you have a vintage inspired look it is without a doubt, a head turner. In this modern uber-casual world where people now even wear shorts and tee-shirts to church, there is a shock wave that proceeds you when you dress the nines vintage style.


Wearing the vintage inspired style of a Bettie Page ® dress, back seamed stockings and victory rolls in your hair to the local hootenanny, swing dance or rod run is a lot of fun, but living the style daily can be equally enjoyable, provided you learn to embrace the extra attention. Depending upon how much or how little you accessorize, a vintage inspired ensemble will fit into most situations. A Stop Staring ® dress is a knock out when worn with a full head to toe vintage look, but also becomes incredibly classy business attire when worn with a modern hairstyle, modern nylons and shoes. It's up to you and your mood, full bombshell or light vintage, it is all met with positive attention.


Accepting a compliment graciously


Be prepared, you will get attention, lots of attention. Most admirers will recognize the vintage influence, but many will just find your style strikingly unique and refreshing among the mass of denim jeans, tank tops and sandels. Be sure to acknowlege a compliment by thanking and noting that it was kind of them to say so. The old "oh this old thing" only works if you are Violet in It's a Wonderful Life.  I also like to consider myself an ambassador of vintage style. I often hear, "I wish everyone dressed like that again" and I always agree and then suggest where they can go to get dolled up too.  It's as easy as logging on to my website!


Viva la revolución


There has been a steady rebellion against the disheveled frumpy casual look for some time now. Whether it is high schoolers "suiting up" inspired by the television series How I met your Mother or office workers who rediscovered professional style from Mad Men the switch is on.  Last year there was a 53% drop in companies who allowed 'casual attire' and some executives have even hired image consultants and fashion experts to help reeducate their employees on proper business dress. Numerous studies have shown looks can impact career advancement too. Leading the revolution have been those of us who love the vintage look. We understood long before others that getting togged to the bricks was never a vanity thing, although a wolf whistle every now and then doesn't go unnoticed, it is a respect thing. It commands respect and gives it at the same time. People dressed well in the past for the same reason companies are now returning to proper dress, it shows respect for each other. It says you are important enough to me, that I will present myself well in your presence.


You go girl


So live the vintage inspire life everyday, everywhere. If you are fortunate enough to work in an office setting and not blasting rivets into a B-17 all day, why not wear the vintage look all the time? You will be happier, your career will be on a trajectory to the stars and you'll turn heads faster then a '57 Plymouth with a Hemi.











If you’d like to shop Gina’s store, feel free to use this discount at checkout:

For Bettie Page Clothing: BETTIE25

For Anything else in the store: BFR20



